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March 8, 2017

Greek Culture Minister allocates €2.5 million for Amphipolis Tomb project works

Recently appointed  Greek Culture Minister Lydia Koniordou announced that 2.5 million euros have been allotted for restoration works executed at Kasta Hill, the excavation site of the Amphipolis tomb. During a press […]
March 8, 2017

Egypt’s underwater antiquities travel the world

Off the coast of Alexandria, the underwater antiquities date back thousands of years and include palaces, columns, ships, castles and statues that sunk after Alexandria witnessed a series of earthquakes throughout […]
March 2, 2017

Egypt to increase visa fees for incoming tourists by 140%

Tourists will have to pay $60 for their entry visa to Egypt, compared to the previous $25 for single entry and $70 for multiple entry visas, […]
March 2, 2017

Mostafa el-Abbadi, Champion of Alexandria’s Resurrected Library, Dies at 88

Mostafa A. H. el-Abbadi, a Cambridge-educated historian of Greco-Roman antiquity and the soft-spoken visionary behind the revival of the Great Library of Alexandria in Egypt, died […]