Athanasios Koutoupas

March 8, 2017

2nd Delphi Economic Forum: New strategic equation in eastern Med

The speakers at the 2nd Delphi Economic Forum expressed reserved optimism over the possibility of a solution to the Cyprus issue even in the long term […]
March 8, 2017

Two Museums in Athens among 41 Most Spectacular to See Around the World

The Acropolis Museum and the Benaki Museum in Athens are among the world’s 41 most incredible museums to visit before you die, according to the online edition of UK newspaper The Telegraph. The […]
March 8, 2017

Greek Culture Minister allocates €2.5 million for Amphipolis Tomb project works

Recently appointed  Greek Culture Minister Lydia Koniordou announced that 2.5 million euros have been allotted for restoration works executed at Kasta Hill, the excavation site of the Amphipolis tomb. During a press […]
March 8, 2017

Egypt’s underwater antiquities travel the world

Off the coast of Alexandria, the underwater antiquities date back thousands of years and include palaces, columns, ships, castles and statues that sunk after Alexandria witnessed a series of earthquakes throughout […]