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November 5, 2016

Funding Entrepreneurship in Cairo

Although the Egyptian government has long been an enthusiastic promoter of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), up until recently, financing institutions did not have a unified definition […]
November 5, 2016

3,800-Year-Old ‘Tableau’ of Egyptian Boats Discovered

More than 120 images of ancient Egyptian boats have been discovered adorning the inside of a building in Abydos, Egypt. The building dates back more than 3,800 […]
November 5, 2016

Greek Doctor Afksendiyos Kalangos has saved the life of over 15,000 children

This amazing Greek defines humanity and filotimo. He has received various awards and has been named the “Modern Missionary of Medicine”. However, he is not interested […]
November 5, 2016

Central Bank of Egypt Floats the Egyptian Pound

In a surprise morning announcement, the Central Bank of Egypt announced that it has floated the Egyptian pound against all foreign currencies. “The CBE hereby announces […]