Athanasios Koutoupas

January 19, 2017

Greek museum among the top 10 new museum openings in 2017

History, art and design will be celebrated in their many forms, and disciplines, at new institutions from Paris to Los Angeles and London to Cape Town. […]
January 19, 2017

Greek To Be Taught as Foreign Language in Russian Schools Starting January 1, 2017

According to sources, the Russian Minister of Education, Olga Vasilieva recently signed and approved the Greek language into the curriculum of Russian schools. Starting January 1, 2017, Greek […]
January 11, 2017

Egyptian Omar Samra Becomes First in the World to Climb Three Mountains in Antarctica

Egyptian adventure icon and mountaineer Omar Samra fulfilled a personal dream of his after climbing three mountains in Antarctica that had never before been ascended. “It […]
January 10, 2017

“Wise Greece”: growing big with social entrepreneurship

Social Enterprises do not aim to make profit but to create jobs– especially at local level- and to improve welfare services delivery. They intervene by taking actions […]