News about Greece

March 27, 2016

Greek-owned merchant fleet larger than UK, Germany and Norway combined!

According to data by maritime site ‘’, the Greek merchant fleet is ranked on the top of global value. The aggregate asset worth of the Greek-owned […]
February 26, 2016

Joint statements of Mr. Kotzias and Mr. Shoukry, following their meeting

S. SHOUKRY: Today it is a great pleasure for me, as Foreign Minister of Egypt, to be receiving the Foreign Minister of Greece on his first […]
February 26, 2016

Egyptian-Greek cooperation.. reinforced

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry convened on Wednesday with his Greek counterpart Nikos Kotzias for talks on boosting bilateral cooperation in the economic and political domains. Talks […]
February 21, 2016

GNA Feature on Herbs and Spices: Greece’s Comparative Advantage

In the crisis-stricken Greek capital where austerity has led to the closure of shops and the slack activity of those open, there is a road that […]