Athanasios Koutoupas

October 5, 2016

Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation to Strengthen Research across Greece

The European Investment Bank has agreed to provide 180 million euros to support the creation and first operations of the new Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (ELIDEK). […]
October 5, 2016

Acropolis Museum in world’s top 10 Institutes

Users of the TripAdvisor website have voted the Acropolis Museum in Athens the best museum in Greece, making it ninth in the world. Designed by US-based […]
October 5, 2016

UNESCO names Athens World Book Capital for 2018

The city of Athens has been announced from UNESCO as the World Book Capital for 2018. The proposed program includes meetings with writers, translators and illustrators, […]
October 4, 2016

Joint Communiqué – Rhodes Security and Stability Conference, Rhodes, 08.09-09.2016

The first Informal Ministerial Meeting of the Rhodes Security and Stability Conference provided the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and High Officials of Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, […]