Athanasios Koutoupas

August 11, 2016

Gold for Anna Korakaki at Rio Games

Tuesday was the fourth day of the Rio 2016 Olympic games and Greece’s Anna Korakaki beat out the competition in the women’s 25 meter pistol competition to become […]
August 1, 2016

Egypt nominates Moushira Khattab for UNESCO director-general

Egypt decided on Saturday to nominate former Minister of Family and Population Moushira Khattab for the position of director-general of the United Nations Education, Scientific, and […]
August 1, 2016

Greece Goes to Rio Olympics with 92 Athletes

92 athletes will represent Greece in the Rio Olympics in August, according to the Hellenic Olympic Committee. Twenty seven athletes will compete on track, while in individual sports, 15 will […]
August 1, 2016

Greece to be represented by 54 athletes in Rio Paralympics

The Greek Paralympics Committee announced the names of the 54 athletes – 41 men and 13 women – who will represent Greece in the 2016 Paralympics […]